Person being nominated
Person Nominating
Ratings Descriptions under each of the Criteria A.= Outstanding B.= Exceeded expectations C.= All performance standards have been met D.=Performance standards have not met adequately
Award Criteria and Prompts. Note: Respond to each item if applicable
Has the required skills, knowledge, and experience for their specific role ABCD
Attendance – is reliable, punctual and is available to cover shifts when required ABCD
Supports with personal care tasks activities of daily living and addresses health issues ABCD
Builds positive relationships with participants, families and stakeholders ABCD
Assists with community inclusion outings, recreation activities & Skills development ABCD
Productive and effective team member, and communicates well with the team ABCD
Completes daily shift tasks and household chores as required effectively ABCD
Is able to negotiate and resolve conflict situations effectively. ABCD
Offers participants choices and encourages decision making and control of their lives ABCD
Follows Health and Safety Principles ensuring everyone’s safe from injury/harm ABCD
Has good leadership qualities and offers guidance and support when required. ABCD
Seeks and attends the required training and feedback for personal growth ABCD
Has excellent verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills ABCD
Completes the required documentation and writes comprehensive shift reports ABCD
Has good work ethics and has reached a significant milestone and achievement ABCD
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